Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noel!

Even though I am still bag-less, we did manage to carry on most of our gifts. And Max came up with a genius idea for those gifts that are still lost in airport-land: print out pictures of the items, put them in an envelope, then wrap the envelope! So Christmas was saved after all!!

Next up, a yummy turkey dinner, followed by a movie night complete with popcorn...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!
We are getting packed for the airport. Had a nice family time last night except for one MEGA "aw snap" moment--Hannah and Bear told me they wanted to celebrate Christmas today...but I didn't HEAR them. I thought we were all celebrating when you guys get back...bad mommy moment. But they recovered graciously and we went on to have a good celebration. See--it doesn't take an airline to make a giftless Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Awww - just learned about your predicament! Sorry to hear it. Enjoy your time with family!!!

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