Let's face it: with just a smidge over six weeks until summer vacation, the kids (and staff) have Summer Fever.
It hit early this year. That could be because of the super nice weather, or the early onslaught of testing, or simply because we're all tired. But whatever the reason, it's here in full force.
For all of you non-teachers out there, here's what I mean by Summer Fever:
*The kids have gotten exponentially wigglier, so the whole classroom almost seems to vibrate with energy, buzz, and movement.
*The kids who used to be best of friends are at each other's throats. Think siblings who have been stuck in the back of a car for too long.
*The giant vat of patience that the teachers started with at the beginning of the year is now empty.
*More people stare out the windows.
*Countdowns are on every white board in the school, with staff giving each other regular updates for encouragement.
*Homework packets are getting thinner.
*The kids have completely forgotten all the rules and procedures we've been following since the beginning of the year.
There is no known cure for Summer Fever. We are still waiting for someone to develop a remote control for life. Until that time, here's what we've done to try to counteract the symptoms:
*Add an extra 20 minute recess every day.
*Bribe the kids for good behavior.
*Threaten to take away Field Day for bad behavior.
*Drink exponentially more caffeine.
*Leave the school building as soon as is humanly possible at the end of each day.
*Cling to our routines like the mast of a sinking ship.