monday miscellaneous

I have no coherent thoughts to put together into a nice little blog post for you. My thoughts are scattered, just like the paperwork on my teacher desk! So here, you go... some random things on my mind:
*The front office says there's no more copy paper for the teachers. But I saw a mountainous pile of paper when I peeked into the (normally locked) supply closet. Why all the hoarding?
*We had a celebration of our sight words on Friday with chips and dip! Orange cheeto-dust is hard to get off sticky fingers and mouths...
*I have two IEPs this week.
*Gabrielle Blair from Design Mom sent me the sweetest thank you note for guest posting for her! It felt like getting mail from a celebrity!
*Max and I split half a carton of Ben&Jerry's yesterday (mint cookie flavor). But I really wanted the whole carton.
*If the state of Texas doesn't issue our school district a waiver for the 5 snow days we had this month, they're going to make us use our personal days!! Ouch. I was saving those for an emergency (or maybe a cruise!)
*It's a good thing I'm more prepared for my lesson plans than I was for this blog post!
What random thoughts do you have swirling around your brain?


Mrs. Fine said...

I don't have much thought going on at all -- I'm on a day off for mid-winter break (I know, 1 day is not a mid-winter break...but it gets shorter each year) so I'm vegging on the couch. I finished digging out the driveway of 10.6 inches of snow and now am having trouble moving! ;-)

Shell said...

That's so no right if they make you use your personal days!

JoAnna said...

so very many, as can be seen over on my own blog!

but, i'm on vacation, so i get to have lots of non sensical thoughts and no one suffers but me!

luv2teachmath said...

I love the randomness in your head today. Sometimes my head is filled with the random as well. We were also told that we couldn't get any more copy paper but it's piled in the workroom. I want to know why they won't buy us the workbooks that go with our math or language series and how they expect us to assess with no copy paper to print the assessments on. The 5 snow days are also troubling my group. We were told that we'd have to make them up when school was over, as in go a full week after the kids are done. I don't mind this because I was already planning on being there. As my principal says, "Just keep on keepin' on..."

Erin Janda Rawlings said...

Hoarding paper is not cool at all! Either is using personal days for weather related issues.

But what is cool? Ben and Jerry's Mint Cookie Ice Cream. Yum!!

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