Well, as Max has dutifully pointed out, mom and I went out for another ice cream in Kandern's Eis Cafe yesterday. I ordered another spaghetti eis (I could have one at every meal and not get sick of them), and instead of getting teary-eyed this time, I just wanted to bury my face in it in an effort to shove the whole thing in my mouth because it was just that tasty. Sometimes I wonder if I have a problem....
Mom and I just got back from a pretty nice thrift store in France. It was very hot and muggy outside, and as there was no air conditioning inside, I soon found myself sweating (which is no big deal to everyone else but as I was never into sports or hard labor, it's a rather new and unpleasant feeling). But the good news, I'm happy to report, is that I got a cute shirt out of the deal.
Other than that, I've been reading quite a bit. I've strayed from Thomas B. Costain (not from boredom but from running out of his books) and wandered into the world of Jeffrey Archer. And what about this: they're now starting to make trailers for books. I'm not sure what I think about that yet.
Pattern Testing Is Not For the Weak
1 week ago
What would kotke.org think if he knew you were stealing his links...
First he would be appalled at how you spelled his name. Then he would feel flattered that I borrowed his link.
max your little side green sign guy that says max makes me think that you are a little boy. I'm not sure why...maybe because it looks like you think the world revolves around you. Hi Sarah.
Bite me.
Hey, Hannah has been biting me a bit too...
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