I've been mildly enjoying my summer vacation. I say mildly because Responsibility sneaked up on me outta nowhere and bit me on the butt. I have a final paper due this Saturday for my grad class. I have to go back to school and hold another meeting to finish up an IEP on Thursday for
this girl. That has great potential to be World War 3, but I'll keep you posted. On top of that, we are attempting to pack up about 87% of our stuff so we can bring it down to Texas next week when we go house hunting (we'll be dropping it off in a storage unit). Nothing stresses me out more than seeing this:

Packing up and moving is a tiring, back-hurting process! And I shudder to think how many times my dear mom packed up a family of five to move us across the country, and across the Atlantic.
But I do have some fun things to look forward to. Lunch out with friends! House hunting! Visiting with family! A trip to Europe! I guess it's all about perspective...
Glad I can help give you a break from it all! Look forward to lunch!
Panera, here we come! You might need ice cream as well, after that IEP. Either to celebrate how well it went, or to celebrate the fact that you don't have to deal w/ any of that any more! JM
Perspective....seeing the bad AND the good!!! Can't wait to see you! Mom
I was going to write something, but I forgot what it was and now all I can remember is that I also have that vacuum! Eesh, one more week of work for me - my brain is already on vacation.
your going to love Texas! Where are you moving to? We are in Keller (north of Fort Worth)
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