The first grade germs have just about done me in. Both my team teacher and I are fighting off major colds and losing our voices, and today neither of us could talk very well.
It's one thing to sound hoarse and try to teach (sounds like raspy squeaking). It's quite another to try to explain the science activity when the janitor has the wet vacuum on INSIDE the classroom to clean up a toilet overflow.
As it turns out, I'm a less effective teacher when I can't make myself heard. Kinda like how ballerinas need their toes, painters need their eyes, and mimes need their hands.
A teacher needs her voice!
I Finally Got A Convertible
1 week ago
I feel your pain!! Right after I finished my CNA classes & started working with the residents I got strep throat & a nasty cough that hung around for weeks. I hope you're feeling better soon!
I would totally go for the ice cream. I think it's a proven remedy, and even if it doesn't work it makes things SO much better!
Oh I know how you feel! I used to teach an afterschool ballroom class. A cafeterial full of 60 kids, and I have to talk aver them all AND teach them to dance. I pretty much had no voice the whole first semester because of it. Teaching has totally destroyed my singing voice, too. So sad. But at least we have microphones in the room--I really need to use it more!
And an oenologist for wine needs his nose!!
AND after going through a perfume factory, there's a profession for smell testing there too!
Hope the cold doesn't last long! Love you, Mom
hope you are feeling ok... my prescription is lots of hot chocolate with marsh mellows!
Poor thing! Yeah...I would think that whole voice thing would be important for a teacher. Unless, of course, all your students are completely deaf and you are speaking in sign language.
I hope the ice cream helps!
You're right... you need your voice... now, as a speaker and singer for many years, here's the poop... go to your local drugstore and march to the colds shelves, bend wa-a-a-a-y down towards the bottom shelf and find a very plain blue and grey box of Throat Discs... yup, that's the name... there's about 60 thin discs in the box and they've been around since before God... you can have one melt in your cheek or on your tongue... it's like magic... you'll never try another lozenge... when I'm performing on stage, I have to hide mine because all the other actors steal mine! come visit when you're not spreading germs... (my sister is a teacher's aide and came home with the obligatory sniffles and cold this week, too... ah, September...)
Oh, no! Hope you are feeling better soon!
You have to get your voice back. Although the longer it's gone, the more ice cream you can have!
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