You know when you ask your class a question and a bunch of little hands shoot up in the air, all eager to share their answer? You know when you call on one of them, and the kiddo just sits there and ummmms and aahhhhs, and finally says "I forgot" rather sheepishly?
Well that's what happened to my little blog recently. "I forgot."
Actually, it was more of a too-tired-after-field-day, got-sick-over-Memorial-Day, just-started-reading-a-good-book kinda thing.
And I'm checking in only to say that time feels like it's moving like this:
With three days of school left, the work is piled high (that detailed end-of-year checklist!), the kids are driving me CUH-RAZY, and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to focus on anything longer than 2.3 seconds.
But summer break? Thinking about that can hold my attention for slightly longer than 2.3 seconds....
Pattern Testing Is Not For the Weak
1 week ago