I was talking about lunch yesterday with Max and he was saying something about not wanting to have a sandwich because that's what he has for lunch every day at school.
I have a homemade burrito every day at school (basic recipe here). I make them every three weeks in big batches and then freeze them. If I could, I would eat them on the weekends too, because I love them THAT MUCH. And I've been eating these for lunch for.... two years now. I had a teacher recently tell me that when she sees me, she thinks of burritos (and it makes sense since I only see her in the lounge at lunch).... which isn't a bad thing to be associated with I guess.
Anyways, it got me thinking... if you could only eat one food (or dish) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
When I lived in France, the answer would have been Oreos. Wait, maybe donuts. When I was in college, I would have said French cheese and French bread. But now? I think the answer would be cake balls!
Pattern Testing Is Not For the Weak
1 week ago
Magré du canard!!!!
Ding dongs or double cheezeburgers or fun yums or steak or cheese cake or mashed potatos or lasagna or fried chicken...
Chile rellenos! yum
Cheese fondue, of course. dad
I'm right there with you. Burritos. But definitely NOT clam chowder
For the comment above. Guess who!
hmmm I'd have to think about that! I can only eat one cake ball at a time or I feel like puking LOL.. I can't believe you can eat the same thing everyday for two years!!! It must be that good...
Apple Maple Cheesecake.
Stuffed Shrimp grilled.
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