Yesterday, we had a practice fire drill. Two things bothered me about this:
1. It was 29 degrees outside. Why couldn't they have waited for a warmer day?!!?
2. The fire drill doesn't go off in the portables.
Yes, you heard that right. The portables that I teach in -- the portables with three classrooms full of DEAF KIDS -- aren't connected to the fire drill. Each room even has a bright red bulb above the doorway, and the blinking red light didn't even go off during the fire drill!
So the only chance we have to save ourselves from a fire is if we glance out the tiny window and happen to notice a mass exodus of kids and teachers onto the field.
Umm... hello, Liability. We haven't met before, but we may soon become very well acquainted.
I expressed my concern with the powers that be and I was informed that this was a problem for all the portables in our district and that our deaf-ed portables are somewhere on the list to be fixed.
Oh good. Let's just hope there's not a real fire before now and the time they get to "somewhere on the list".
I Finally Got A Convertible
5 days ago
That's true for the 'learning cottages' at my school as well. We've had them for at least 10 years now and no attempt has been made to change this, at least that I know of. On the positive side, the secretaries make an announcement that the fire drill is going off so that everyone knows. It's a bit random but it works.
Wow. That's scary! dad
Hey, I have a trailer story about my school district. The portable that I had classes in as a student in 1967 are STILL used in 2010. I suggest you don't do the math. I say schools use their busses during down times as backup classrooms for real budget bus(t)ing...
Too weird. Somewhere on the list. I wonder if it's even ON the list. I wonder if there even IS a list. I like to wonder! Mom
That is awful!
It's enough to give the portable people a complex! One more duty for the teacher--fire patrol....
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