Things have been going well. Suspiciously well.
I'm the only one of the three deaf ed. teachers that has an AWESOME general ed team to work with. The first grade teacher that I work with is so nice and so easy to get along with. She's in her sixties and she's still a fantastic teacher! We plan for and teach Science together and so far it's been super fun.
The mandatory lesson plan format that we need to turn in to the principal every week has changed so that it's actually a working document I can teach from! No more double lesson planning!!
I get to work with an aide this year! Two adults in the room for six children during Language Arts.... it doesn't get much better than that!
I'm on top of my data collection (to chart progress) for the first time in.... oh, ever.
I like each of my kids and there are NO behavior problems that are beyond me!!
So far, it's shaping up to be a great year... go knock on some wood for me!
I Finally Got A Convertible
1 week ago
I've knocked on wood for you and given a woot woot for extra measure! Double lesson planning is always a bummer so that's very cool for you! Glad all has been going along well...we start on Tuesday!
Knocking on everything wood I can find! Sure hope it sticks...sometimes a good start is a good sign!
I am SO GLAD for you!! Love you bunches, Mom
That sounds fantastic! Wish me luck that I will have a good jump start next week when school starts here in NYC. It should be good since I am looping with my kids from last year so they already know what to expect from me.
That sounds great. I hope it is a portent for a great year.
Now you will be able to compare and contrast from the years before and after...
We are very happy for your great start of the new year!
XOXO dad & mom
That's so great Sarah! After the past few years, it's about time! :) Brenda
so happy to hear it! i predict a wonderful year (-:
Maybe first grade was the secret all along, huh? Hope it stays perfect!
Totally rapping on my wooden dining room table!!!
I will also keep my fingers crossed that your year continues in this manner!
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