thank you, mrs. m

I liked my first grade teacher when I was going to school in California. I really did. 

But there were two or three first grade teachers at my school, and I remember being very jealous at the time of my friend in Mrs. M's class. Mrs. M's class was cool because the kids in there got to do awesome things like sprinkle on their self-control!

When they would sit at carpet time and everyone was a little wiggly, Mrs. M would tell the students to "sprinkle on your self-control", making this fluttering motion with her hand above her head.

I was suddenly reminded of this right in the middle of teaching a science lesson in the general ed. first grade class on Friday. We were studying the five senses, and in this activity, we were passing around mystery items in paper bags. The students were to reach into the bag, feel the object and guess what it was based on their sense of touch.

As I'm standing in front of all 23 of them, explaining the expectations for this activity, I had a sudden and disquieting vision of half the class peeking into the bag, and the other half yelling "THEY CHEATED!!!!"

So I channeled Mrs. M and told them all that it was going to be very tempting to take a peek in the bag but that we were going to sprinkle on our self-control [insert hand motion] to help us. 

It worked like a charm!


Anonymous said...

We could all use a sprinkle of self-control...

Mrs. Fine said...

This is brilliant! I think I may too, have to channel Mrs. M...a great idea! :-)

malia said...

i am going to see if sprinkling self control on my kids works at home!

Anonymous said...

Does it work on one's self?? I think I could use some! Love you, Mom

Sharlene T. said...

Great idea! This will probably be tried out by everyone that visits here during the next week... reminds me of when I went to get my daughter from kindergarten and all the children were lying quietly on the floor, without talking or moving... they were playing 'graveyard' and the winner got a piece of candy... teacher said it lasted for at least 15 minutes and they did it once a week!... have a great Labor Day...

Bethany said...

I could use that tip for myself, because the MnM's disappear all too quickly around here.

Unknown said...

Awwww! That's such a fabulous and totally cute idea!

Elissa Newton said...

So cute! Will have to try this at home.

Miss Matty said...

That's awesome!

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