I have the first grade Winter Program songs stuck in my head.
If you're a Kindergarten, first, second, or even third grade teacher, you most likely know the special hoopla that I'm talking about when I say "Winter Program". The rehearsals. The hand gestures. The lining up by height. The repetitive music. The crowd control.
Yes, it's a very special time of year.
Tomorrow evening, my class will be taking the stage to sing their little hearts out (loud enough, I hope) for their family members. We only have two songs, and for days they've been lodged in my brain - right between the Christmas-countdown-cortex and the Are-we-there-yet-lobe.
I try not to get too worried about singing loud enough, remembering all the gestures and pauses, and standing completely still between songs. I have a theory that parents kind of relish the cute mess-ups anyway!
I just hope that no one calls out in a loud and whiny voice: "I'm TIRED!" like someone did during the last rehearsal.
Kitty Sleep Sacks
4 days ago
You are so right. We love the mess-ups!
The mess ups are the best part!
I'm sure that if you remember all the gestures, sing really loudly and stand still, you will do just fine :)
My favorite mess up was many moons ago when the band was up, playing their lungs out. A 6th grader was allowed to play with the 7th and 8th grade band and it was a big deal. He played the trombone. He was small. He was right in front doing a solo. He managed to slide that trombone right off itself and without missing a single beat, the teacher grab it and shoved it back on and they played away like nothing happened. Nothing that dramatic will happen to you, I am sure!!
We do love the mess ups. Still remember my daughter sitting down on stage and taking off her shoes at a ballet recital. She then proceeded to roll around on the floor. I don't think the memories would be so clear if it had been perfect.
I've been practicing the Monster's lines with him for the Winter Program but he keeps ad libbing. Keeping my fingers crossed on performance day that it will be a cute sort of ad lib and not the kind that prompts dirty looks in my direction.
Have fun tomorrow night! :-)
When my daughter was in the school band, she always asked me not to smile so wide 'cause it made her giggle and she would lose her place! I was just so proud, I couldn't help it... miss those days...
I'm totally there, too. Hands down! Stand still! Louder! With feeling! Face the audience! Come in on time! Exhausting ;) Good luck!
Oh man, the K's at our school have been rehearsing their little buns off....still, those teachers will breathe a sigh of relief when Wednesday is over!
Best of luck! Are earplugs an option?
I hear you. We are trying to put on a little holiday show at our school too. Why do they make it mandatory that every class participates? If the talent show could include "peeing on the potty" or "making eye contact" then my kids would shine...but singing and dancing around in scratchy costumes is just a recipe for disaster and embarrassing on their part.
I so hear you with this one. It is the most tinring term of all I think. Hang in there, nearly there! ;)
I so hear you with this one. It is the most tinring term of all I think. Hang in there, nearly there! ;)
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