Here are some inventions that I really think every modern classroom needs:
1. Pencils that come with a very small microchip inside that would beep VERY loud when a student walks out of your classroom with it. (My teacher pencils keep disappearing!! How hard is it for students to remember to bring a pencil with them to school every day?)
2. Something like an "easy" button that, when pressed, would automatically generate the next week's lesson plans. I'd fork over a lot of cash for that one...
3. Expo dry-erase markers that never run out of ink.
4. Another button that, when pressed, cancels every before and after school meeting of any given day.
5. An anti-stress invisible shield that, when activated, prevents any one from dumping any more responsibility on you. Emails would never reach your inbox. Memos would disappear from your mailbox. Administrators would talk to you but you wouldn't be able to hear a sound.
6. A fast forward button that would instantly take you to June!!
Did I miss any?
I Finally Got A Convertible
5 days ago
Marionette strings for controlling student's movements!! This suggestion comes from Renee!!!!
How about mats under each desk that can be turned into mini slip'n'slides when needed so kids couldn't get traction to get out of their seats?
:) Brenda
A one-time-use-only student transfer button--for students you dream have transferred!
how about a button for instant Utopia.
Nice list! I would like a device that locates and secures lids: marker lids, glue stick lids, etc.
It's amazing how kids believe that once it's on the floor, it's gone forever.
"Easy" button to resolve any and all computer glitches, bugs, etc. during instruction and student working. (Ex. no more spinning wheel of death resulting in force quits and lost student work)
Electric shock to principal's hinnie everytime they forget what it means to be a teacher, especially for those who once taught themselves...
A device that allows students to retain what they are taught for more than 5 minutes! Apparently the doorway to my room is a mind-erasing device that removes all knowledge of math!
A magic wand to grade stuff -- I HATE grading! Hate!
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