Way back a long time ago, when I was just a high school nerd looking into various colleges, my dad urged me to minor in Business (no matter what I chose as a major).
Little did he know that around that very same time, my best friend and I had a habit of going to the local coffee shop and dreaming about our futures. I went to an international boarding school in Germany and most of my friends were headed back to the States for college.... so my friend and I would Talk Big about our plans after high school. We were going to travel the world. We were going to join the peace corps. We were going to eat different foods, do amazing things, and immerse ourselves in other cultures.
"Can you imagine how boring it would be to, like, own a store and just live in one place forever?"
To a couple of kids who were used to country-hopping with their parents every few years, this was indeed the worst fate imaginable. So you can imagine my reaction to my father's suggestion about minoring in Business ("What? Why? Ewwww.")
Fast forward ten years into the future. Since going to college and starting my career, all I have wanted is to put down some roots somewhere. Suddenly owning a store and living in one place forever sounds very exotic. I'll still always have a thirst for traveling, but my priorities have definitely changed.
And dad's advice about Business? I maybe should have listened. Case in point. But I'll go ahead and blame my passion for teaching on that one :)
I Finally Got A Convertible
5 days ago
I think both ways sound divine. Traveling and owning a business. Maybe you work a business until you have it going well enough that you can leave it in capable hands and then go live in Europe for a summer or explore The Outback or find out what the big deal is about China... Now I'm going to be daydreaming all day.
When my daughter wanted to be a hairdresser, I told her to also minor in business because times would change, and did she want to spend the rest of her life working for someone else or own her own shop? You need the business basics, if nothing more... otherwise, your retirement is always at the hands of someone else... you can still make your Daddy proud and take a night course... I have spoken... this is not negotiable...
Twitter: SolarChief
At a certain point you get tired right?? All you want is something to call your own. And stability would be nice. I understand that with my entire life having been connected to the military. You can always go back for business!
Most people I know now don't do anything related to what they thought they wanted to do in college or after high school! I think one of the coolest things you can do is to change and grow as your life does, and keep finding what suits you best at each stage. Who knows what you will be doing in 10 years??
Great post for a Sunday morning...lots to ponder!
Isn't it odd (or maybe it's not...I'm sure a shrink would have many a word to say) how sometimes we aren't sure what we want until it's gone or we don't see it close by in our future - at least that's how it is for me. When we lived overseas, I found myself itching to get back home and settled. And then, when we got home, OF COURSE, I had the traveling bug! As Sherri said, hmmm...lots to ponder! Happy Sunday!
I think it's only normal to 1. Not be excited about dad's ideas. 2. Not know what we want to be in our young 20s. 3. Have to experience life ourself to truly gain appreciation for advice given.
I minored in Business in college and can't remember a single thing from it because I don't use it every day! Don't you hate it when they are right!?!
The grass is ALWAYS greener in the pasture called, "could've, should've done!" Love you enormement, Mom
I wish I would have minored in business. My next masters will be in business for the businesses I hope to have opened. :)
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