It's been a rough first week back from Spring Break. It was the usual "Oh-no-there's-eleven-more-weeks-to-go" slump, plus I got a new student.
Remember when I kept saying what an
easy and great year it's been for me? Well, apparently I should have been knocking on more wood.
The new girl, "Tammy" has thrown quite a wrench into things. She's a nine year old second grader who came to our program because she's too high functioning for the multi-handicapped unit where she'd been placed this year. The problem is that she's too low functioning for our program.
Tammy is a darling little girl with the most charming smile, but here are the issues I've been dealing with:
Sometimes, she can only understand if you sign to her. This is an oral program and my knowledge of sign is limited.
*If I ask her a question, 90% of the time she'll answer me in "Spanish". I have to use quotation marks here because our Spanish-speaking aide can't understand her.
*She's a wanderer. One second she's at her seat, and the next she's going through my desk drawers.
*She's bossy and likes to tell the other kids what to do (Ha! Just like me!)
*She can only count to 14, and she knows 22 out of 26 letters of the alphabet. She can't write her letters yet.
So it seems that I have my work cut out for me! The sad truth is that our district is NOT providing her with an appropriate eduction: she would be very successful in a self-contained hearing impaired classroom (we're a mainstream program that pulls out for Language Arts). The problem is that the district doesn't provide that kind of program. They know they need it. There's just no money.
I wish I could tell mom to sue.
I really hate it when the educational system lets our kids down...