Wednesday is meeting day.
My personal motto during these meetings is: "Let's get on with it!". Isn't it interesting how in any given meeting, in any given city/state/country, there's always that one person (or group of people) who keep asking inappropriate and/or petty and/or off-topic questions? It makes my patience wear thin and my eyes roll...
Sometimes it feels like I spend more time in meetings talking about teaching kids than actually teaching them. It makes me think of that question they usually ask when interviewing prospective teachers: "So why do you want to be a teacher?" The correct answer is "Because I love kids!". Maybe a better answer would be "Because I'm passionate about meetings and I have an affinity for paperwork". Just a thought :)
I Finally Got A Convertible
5 days ago
What kind of paperwork do you like?
Which do you like more, papers or work?
If you were a woodchuck, how many papers would work to like on paper work work paper. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
What are papers?
What day is it?
Hey, how about a REAL comment. Here goes, Sarah, that is so true
about meetings. If only, I could tell you about the good old days of teaching, before meetings. You are special...ed, just kidding, I couldn't resist because in a way it is true.
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