This is what happens when you're knee-deep in IEPs

Yesterday, I had to take an online training for work. It was about writing IEP goals/objectives and writing the PLAAFP statement (Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance). It was super relevant and helpful a colossal waste of my time. Truthfully, it was a little insulting.... because if you didn't understand the content of the training, you wouldn't be a special education teacher. It was like a good reader being made to learn the ABCs all over again.

Anyways, it got me to thinking about writing goals. Using the format I have to use for IEPs, what goals would I write for myself at this point in my life (as in, this week)? Here's what I came up with:

By the end of two weeks, given the 2006 Saturn Ion, Sarah will learn to drive a car with a manual transmission without grinding the gears in 9 out of 10 trials.

Within four days, given the "Encore" online IEP system, Sarah will finish two more IEPs and close seven more with 100% accuracy.

Within four days, given twelve hyper-active children, Sarah will end the school year gracefully without losing her mind for 3 out of the 4 days.


Shell said...

for 3/4 days! LOVE it!

I get nightmare flashbacks at "IEP" since once year, when I was teaching middle school, 50 of my 90 students had them.

SpedDoc said...

When presented with a blogpost discussing the insanity of IEP season, I will second your emotion 100% of the time without prompting.

Anonymous said...

Glad you gave yourself that one day leeway for losing your may need it!! :) Love ya, Brenda

Sharlene T. said...

First two should be a snap; third one, that'll test your mettle...come visit when you can...

Anonymous said...

Wow...3/4 days...lofty goal!! I teach deaf ed, too. We are more of a TC class, though, but I LOVE some of the lessons you've described!!

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